
I am not sure what you mean exactly.
The SQL "logging" process does not have
separate "log" segment files.
The "log" that TDP for SQL backs up is just
a "stream" of data that only SQL knows what to do with.
It is not like a log file for Exchange or Domino.

There is no way to just restore a "log" to a
"file" with DP for SQL. You can only restore it
to a live SQL server. The SQL server controls
where that stream of data is written to.

You might want to take a closer look at the
requirement to find out how they are asking
that this be done and in what fashion.




Del Hoobler
IBM Corporation

- Never cut what can be untied.
- Commit yourself to constant improvement.


> We have a requirement to restore the transaction logs back to their disk
> location either on the orginal or an alternate server or to be able to
> process the transaction logs as disk files some kind of way before they
> deleted after a TDP for SQL Server Backup.
> My DBAs tell me SQL server deletes the transaction logs immediately after
> backup which presents a problem for a third party utility we want to do
> auditing with.

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