How I do long term retention is... I register a node by a new name of "<old_name>_exp" ex. dbserver01_exp then, on that box, I create a special SErver entry it the dsm.sys file that uses that ~_exp node name ex. SErver export_srv NODE dsmserver01_exp <rest of normal stuff> Then I tell whoever it is to archive what they want I then produce two exports of that node and send them off-site I have a sample set of tapes I keep locally to verify media stability and ability to import after server upgrades. Best way I've come up with...
Dwight E. Cook Software Application Engineer III Science Applications International Corporation 509 S. Boston Ave. Suite 220 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74103-4606 Office (918) 732-7109 -----Original Message----- From: Dorothy LIM Kay Choo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Monday, December 02, 2002 12:48 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Permanent retention Hi, I would like to seek advise on how to use TSM to keep my information permanent. Before the application, execute the end-of-day processing, a set of database will be dump. After the end-of-day processing, there is another dump to database which will overwrite the previous. I need to keep both set for a retention of 7 years. Any advise ? Regards, Dorothy Lim Systems & Network Division, United Overseas Bank Limited mailing address: 396 Alexandra Road, #04-00, BP Tower Singapore 119954 e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] // tel: 371 5813 // fax: 270 3944 Privileged/Confidential information may be contained in this communication (which includes any attachment(s)). If you are not an intended recipient, you must not use, copy, disclose, distribute or retain this communication or any part of it. Instead, please delete all copies of this communication from your computer system and notify the sender immediately by reply email. Thank you.