Hi do you run a "dsmreconcile" before starting the migration?? It should fix any inconsitencies in the HSM filesystem and build you a clean candidate list.
Bye Lars On 29.11.2002 15:01:19 "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" wrote: > all, > I have a schedule who run the command 'dsmautomig' every > day at 20:00. > This schedule fails EVERY DAY, however, I found thousands > of migrated files. > In the dsmerror.log I find the messages : > > ANS9094W dsmautomig:no candidates found in file system /oper > ANS1512E Scheduled event 'HSM.AUTOMIG' failed.Return code = > 100 > > In the schedule.log, I find the message : > ANS1512E Scheduled event 'HSM.AUTOMIG' failed. Return code > = 100 > > Why my schedule (dsmautomig) fails every day and however my > files are migrated. > Any help will be appreciated > Thank you > > > _________________________________________________________ > Gagne une PS2 ! Envoie un SMS avec le code PS au 61166 > (0,35 Hors co�t du SMS) >