Dear All, Can someone with experience of TDP for Informix advise on an effective strategy for expiring old backups. I see that the logical logs at least are backed up with a unique name each night (perhaps someone could confirm if level 0 backups have unique names too or if the same name is used each time). I know how to associate a management class with the backups (database and logical logs) and I understand that onbar does not have a facility to ask TSM to delete old backups. So what is the strategy for deleting old backups? Say I wanted to be sure I could restore any backup in the last week.
Of course I could send logical logs to a tape pool and delete tapes older than 7 days. But this would be a very clumsy way of tackling the matter. So how is this being done in practice please? It's surprising the TDP for Informix Installation and User's Guide doesn't discuss this. Or have I missed a really useful readme somewhere? My TDP for Informix is 4.1.3 and my TSM server is at 4.1.6. Thanks team, Eric Winters