Check your tcp_mssdflt settting.  It sets the default packet size for non-local 
networks.  It sounds like that's the situation you're in.  The clients are sending 
packets in 1460, but you're sending them back out at 536.  That's 3 times as many 
packets and
acks for the same amount of data.  We had this problem for a while and setting the 
tcp_mssdflt to 1460 resolved it.


"Rivera, Jose Spri" wrote:

> I am in the same predicament however I am in 64 bit mode both Aix and TSM. We have 2 
>network segments - The core segment where all app traffic is
> supposed to traverse (however we sneek backups in for litely populated
> servers) is exhibiting this performance degradation. The backup segment
> dedicated to backups only, performs at the same rate prior to the upgrade Jose Rivera
> Ris Infrastructure
> 908-298-3568
> 1-800-PAGE-MCI    #1376812
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Burton, Robert [mailto:robert.burton@;RBC.COM]
> Sent: Friday, November 15, 2002 10:29 AM
> Subject: Re: TSM 5116 server / storageagent performance degradation
> no we are still using 32 bit
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David E Ehresman [mailto:deehre01@;LOUISVILLE.EDU]
> Sent: Friday, November 15, 2002 10:21 AM
> Subject: Re: TSM 5116 server / storageagent performance degradation
> Did you go to 64 bit mode when you went to  We have some clients
> that start out backing up at a good rate and then shift into a mode where
> they are running very very slow.  We now think this might be a 64 bit mode
> server problem.
> David
> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 11/15/02 09:20AM >>>
> We were running tsm on an S7A AIX server.  We were putting through
> approx 1.7 TB nightly with approx 85% going to disk storagepool and the
> remaining going direct to tape.  We were also testing Lan-free with Gresham
> EDT-Distributape and STK acsls/9840 tape drives and we were consistently on
> an UDB api backup receiving 15 MB/s
> one month ago we upgraded all server and storageagents to tsm level
> and since then we have seen performance drop.  We are having trouble getting
> through the 1.7 TB nightly.  The same lan-free tests are only getting us
> around 10 MB/s.
> We will be upgrading to a bigger and more powerful aix server this weekend
> in hopes that the performance drop is related to our S7a server reaching the
> end of its life span but I know when we upgraded from tsm 3.7 to 4.2 we saw
> an increase in server performance, I'm worried that the upgrade from 4.2 to
> 5.1 has gone in reverse.
> Has anybody sees anything remotely similar after an upgrade to tsm
> ???
> thanks
> Robert Burton
> Enterprise Storage Network Analyst
> Royal Bank of Canada
> 315 Front St West
> Toronto, On, M5V 3A4
> * 416-348-3849
> * [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:Robert.Burton@;>
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