We were running tsm on an S7A AIX server.  We were putting through
approx 1.7 TB nightly with approx 85%
going to disk storagepool and the remaining going direct to tape.  We were
also testing Lan-free with Gresham EDT-Distributape and STK acsls/9840 tape
drives and we were consistently on an UDB api backup receiving 15 MB/s

one month ago we upgraded all server and storageagents to tsm level
and since then we have seen performance drop.  We are having trouble getting
through the 1.7 TB nightly.  The same lan-free tests are only getting us
around 10 MB/s.

We will be upgrading to a bigger and more powerful aix server this weekend
in hopes that the performance drop is related to our S7a server reaching the
end of its life span but I know when we upgraded from tsm 3.7 to 4.2 we saw
an increase in server performance, I'm worried that the upgrade from 4.2 to
5.1 has gone in reverse.

Has anybody sees anything remotely similar after an upgrade to tsm

Robert Burton 
Enterprise Storage Network Analyst 
Royal Bank of Canada 
315 Front St West 
Toronto, On, M5V 3A4 
* 416-348-3849 
* [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:Robert.Burton@;rbc.com> 


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