As of 9/22...
Yep... this is a problem -- which we have, also, recently experienced!

It appears to be related to a level-sensitive ssi (daemon) that runs on the
TSM server, arbitrating communication with the ACSLS server -- according to
Stephen, after discussing this with him (and researching thru many
trial-and-error cycles of testing last week).

Won't know for sure until we upgrade to 5.1; in the meantime have a Sev. 2
PMR open, and developed a work-around that involves clearing the locks and
restarting the rc.acs_ssi before restarting TSM server.  I understand
numerous STK customers accept this as "normal operating procedure", but I
disagree,,, and hope to determine that it is a maint. level issue, as it was
for you.

STATUS_LOCKID_NOT_FOUND is another symptom of the problem;  main issue is
"ANR8851 Initialization failed for library 9310LIB..." -- also, AUDIT
LIBRARY fails, even after clearing the locks so we can use the drives!

Typical message sequence upon starting TSM:
ANR8860W Volume D00000 is already locked by .
ANR8852E Initialization failed for ACSLS library 9310LIB.

PVR & MMS trace sent to Tivoli Level 2 support on Monday; will await their
response, probably in another week.

TSM --
ACSLS - 6.1
SN6k -- 2.01

Fast-forward to October --- STK solved a separate problem with ACSLS-6.1
that "fixes" this problem; seems the code didn't properly maintain the
owning server's identity (ie, ACSACCESSID?), so at TSM restart init failed
due to mismatch with the server that owned the existing volume locks... we
are sssoooo happy, now!

Don France
Technical Architect -- Tivoli Certified Consultant
Tivoli Storage Manager, WinNT/2K, AIX/Unix, OS/390
San Jose, Ca
(408) 257-3037
mailto:don_france@; (change aye to a for replies)

Professional Association of Contract Employees
(P.A.C.E. --

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@;VM.MARIST.EDU]On Behalf Of
Firmes, Stephen
Sent: Monday, September 09, 2002 11:02 AM
Subject: ACSLS Lock error

When I start the TSM server the library does not get initialized due to the
following error:

09/09/2002 10:58:27  ANR8855E ACSAPI(acs_lock_volume) response with
                      unsuccessful status, status=STATUS_LOCK_FAILED.
09/09/2002 10:58:27  ANR8851E Initialization failed for ACSLS library
                      will retry in 2 minute(s).

I have recyled the TSM server and the ACSLS daemon,  the ACSLS app and
server, and I even rebooted both boxes.  Still no luck.

Any ideas?

Solaris 8
ACSLS 6.0.1

Thanks for any help.

Stephen Firmes
TSM Engineer
Tivoli Certified TSM Consultant
StorageNetworks, Inc
Work:  781-622-6287

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