In its normal initialization sequence, TSM locks all of its library resources under a common lock id. On rare occasions, TSM has been known to initialize resources with a second lockid after existing resources had been locked under a different lockid. In this situation, intervention will be required to establish a common lockid for all resources.
The standard intervention procedure would be to use the ACSLS cmd_proc to clear all of the locks on library resources. First, get a list of lockids: ACSSA> query lock volume all ACSSA> query lock drive all Look for the lockid associated with these resources. Now, remove each lockid as follows: ACSSA> set lock <lockid> ACSSA> clear lock volume all ACSSA> clear lock drive all Repeat this sequence for each unique lockid. Once the locks on all resources have been removed, you can restart TSM. When TSM software initializes, it will lock all of its library resources under a single lockid. There may be an occasion in which you cannot set your lockid to a known lockid value. The most likely cause for this condition would be that the lockid record has been removed while resources had been locked under that lockid. A bug was introduced in ACSLS 6.0 (6.0.1) in which it is possible to remove a lockid record of locked resources by attempting to lock a non-existing resource under that lockid. If this bug is encountered, it will force TSM to lock subsequent resources under a new lockid. A fix for this ACSLS bug is available in PTF760827 (for Solaris) and PTF762430 (for AIX). The fix has been rolled into ACSLS 6.1. One way to determine whether a lockid record had been removed is to query the database directly. First, determine the lockid of all locked resources: "select lock_id from volumetable where lock_id<>0" "select lock_id from drivetable where lock_id<>0" Now, confirm that a lockid record exists for each lockid you established above: "select lock_id, user_id from lockidtable" If you find that a lockid exists in the volumetable or the drivetable, but that lockid does not exist in the lockidtable, then this is a sign that the lockid record has been removed. In this case, use the following procedure to correct the situation: 1. Install PTFPTF760827 (for Solaris) or PTF762430 (for AIX). 2. Remove all lockids from the ACSLS volumetable and drivetable as follows: "update volumetable set lock_id=0 where lock_id<>0" "update drivetable set lock_id=0 where lock_id<>0" 3. Drop the lockidtable as follows: "drop table lockidtable" 4. Rebuild the lockidtable, using acsss_config. kill.acsss acsss_config select option 7 (exit) This will create a new lockidtable rc.acsss 5. Restart TSM software to establish a new common lockid. Terry -----Original Message----- From: Firmes, Stephen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: September 09, 2002 10:02 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: ACSLS Lock error When I start the TSM server the library does not get initialized due to the following error: 09/09/2002 10:58:27 ANR8855E ACSAPI(acs_lock_volume) response with unsuccessful status, status=STATUS_LOCK_FAILED. 09/09/2002 10:58:27 ANR8851E Initialization failed for ACSLS library LIBRARY1 will retry in 2 minute(s). I have recyled the TSM server and the ACSLS daemon, the ACSLS app and server, and I even rebooted both boxes. Still no luck. Any ideas? TSM Solaris 8 ACSLS 6.0.1 Thanks for any help. Stephen Firmes TSM Engineer Tivoli Certified TSM Consultant StorageNetworks, Inc Work: 781-622-6287