Good after noon, Has anyone ever ran accross this situation?
Have a mail file with what appears to be a space(maybe 4) in it? Tried the "unsupported" dsmnotes q contents command, no luck to many lines to dig thru. Node Name Filespace FSID Platform Filespace Is Files- Capacity Pct Name Type pace (MB) Util Unicode? --------------- ----------- ---- -------- --------- --------- -------- ----- MS163 /ms163/- 1398 AIX API:Lotus No 105.8 93.3 data/mail- Notes FS 4/its 0001.nsf HOW DO U RESTORE THAT? I tried the "" '' \ * "*" '*' options every which way to Rome, no luck :( Any suggestions would be appreciated. AIX 4.3.3 TSM V3.1 0.6 <- Yes I know, light years behind, don't blame me. TDP OLD connect agent DOMINO R5 This is what happens when people upgrade with out consulting me first. __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? HotJobs - Search new jobs daily now