We are currently using TSM v.4.2.2 with the TSM server on OS/390 R2.10.
For our messaging platform we use Lotus Domino R6 running on Linux
Intel-based servers.  In order to get a good backup, we are currently
shutting down Domino, using TSM to backup all the files, and starting
Domino back up again.

We are looking at using TSM for Mail (
http://www.tivoli.com/products/index/storage-mgr-mail/) and are wondering
if anyone else on the list is using it with Domino (any version) and what
their experiences have been.

According to the "platforms" page (
Linux is not listed as a supported host operating system.  Has anyone heard
if this is a possibility for the future?

Keith Huff
Workers Compensation Fund

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