Andy, A few comments; > 1) Was this the first incremental backup you ran after turning on > journaling? If so, then this is normal: the first backup will be a full > incremental (not to be confused with full backup) so that the journal > database(s) and server can be synched. Or did you do anything else (like > reboot) that may have caused the journal to require resynchronization?
For arguments sake lets say it is, although I turned journaling on last week so I would have thought it would have done its thing by now, unless I was to forcefully do something I didn't. > 2) Do you have all desired drives configured to use journaled backup, via > the JournaledFileSystems parameter? What does your tsmjbbd.ini file look > like? Initially I did the largest drive only but went back in today and changed it to all drives. Here is what is active in the file. [JournalSettings] Nlsrepos=dscameng.txt Errorlog=jbberror.log JournalDir=E:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient [JournalExcludeList] %SystemRoot%\System32\Config\* %SystemDrive%\Adsm.Sys\* %TEMP%\* %TMP%\* %USERPROFILE\*\index.dat *:\pagefile.sys *:\*.crmlog *:\hiberfil.sys %SystemRoot%\csc\* %SystemRoot%\System32\DTCLog\MSDTC.LOG %SystemRoot%\netlogon.chg %SystemRoot%\schedlgu.txt %SystemRoot%\registration\*.clb %WINDIR%\debug\* %SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings\NetShowServices\ntuser.dat %SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings\NetShowServices\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat %USERPROFILE%\ntuser.dat %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat [JournaledFileSystemSettings] JournaledFileSystems=C: E: G: JournalDBSize=0x00000000 NotifyFilter=0x0000015b NotifyBufferSize=0x00100000 PreserveDBOnExit=1 [JournaledFileSystemSettings.E:\] JournalDBSize=0x00000000 [JournaledFileSystemSettings.G:\] JournalDBSize=0x00000000 [JournaledFileSystemSettings.C:\] JournalDBSize=0x00000000 Geoff Gill TSM Administrator NT Systems Support Engineer SAIC E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Phone: (858) 826-4062 Pager: (877) 905-7154