On Fri, Oct 25, 2002 at 11:17:16AM -0400, Matt Simpson wrote:

> scratch.  All is OK if human retrieves all the right tapes.  But if
> one doesn't get retrieved for some reason, there is no longer any
> record that the tape exists and isn't where it belongs.  I'd like to

What I do, is create an administrative schedule, that'll check in whether
the correct tapes were checked in:

1. Generate list of VAULTRETRIEVE tapes. Give list to courier to let
   him bring the tapes back on-site. Set tapes to COURIERRETRIEVE.
   Courier will normally return the next day with the tapes.

2. Next day, early in the morning, generate a list of COURIERRETRIEVE
   tapes. Create admin schedule that at the end of the day checks in
   all tapes in the slot as scratch. Create another admin schedule that
   invokes a Perl-script with the names of all COURIERRETRIEVE tapes as
   parameter. That Perl-script checks whether all tapes that were given
   as its parameter are checked in as scratch. If not, it sends a mail
   to the TSM administrator.

Jurjen Oskam

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