From: Zlatko Krastev/ACIT <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 10/12/2002 04:32 PM

Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject:  Re: Down Level Client Code

Two choices:
- if you do not need many versions of the node's data - simply rename the
node and register new node with same name, perform full backup, delete
renamed node;
- if you need to keep all backup versions or have archives - identify
which tapes contain that node's data, mark them "unavailable" and keep
somewhere with a DB backup before dsmc-query. But when you need to restore
from that data you have to restore the DB in separate instance.
- use both - using second method preserve all data and afterwards using
first method have quick current data restores from main/production TSM

WARNING: next time use -virtualnodename=<other node> instead of
node=<node> and this would never happen (Mark, this is nearly a FAQ

Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant

Edgardo Moso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
12.10.2002 16:27
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager"

        To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        Subject:        Down Level Client Code

Does any body has a work around with the dwon level client code errror?

Here's what happened:  I have an old ADSM client version 3.1 runnning in
Solaris 2.5. We don't want to upgrade it to a higher level, say TSM
4.2.2, because if we upgrade we need to upgrade first the Solaris to a
higher level.   We dont want to do this beause the client box has nothing
on it except the old patience and nurisng data that we would like to
preserve for a period of time.   Basically this server's data are
it would be used for for restore.  Other than this TSM client,  ourTSM
clients had been upgraded to 4.2 and I know Tivoli corrected this bug.
Usually,  when I'd like to verify  query about the  the client nodespecs I
will just use the command in my desktop "dsmc -tcps=server1 -node=node1".
I used this in this node and not knowing with the query command my node
data was changed in the server, it has an error "Down level client code"
when I run any comand in the client box.  For me this is the worst
transition Tivoli had made to a higher TSM client, allowing this command
and not protecting the lower version.  The worst tof all is when I asked
Tivoli support, the Manager himself said, they have no technical solution
to the problem except to upgrade it to the supported level.   I know of
some solution but it's impractical to apply beause for example, I will
resotre the db back, I will sacrifice 99 % of the clients in this TSM
server.  If I used export/import this will take forever because this is
almost 600GB of data.  I consider updating the TSM database but I don't
know how to do it.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.


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