Dean, et al. Talk about mixed results! There are three nodes in the test cluster here, each hosting at least one NSS volume. I've run backups on two of these using the domain all-local and/or the domain all-local nds: statement. One node backs up nds:, sys: and nss volume just fine. The other does not even attempt to back up the nss volume, doesn't even bring it up after the scan. I haven't checked with the NW admins to see if these guys are set up differently but that sure seem odd.
Haven't gotten to clusternode options yet. Have you guys gotten any other responses on this? "Frost, Dave" wrote: > Dirk, > You are correct the Clustered drive is not an issue as you use a > Clustergroup dsm.opt file > > What is still an issue is that to backup the NDS you must enter NDS: SYS: > VOL1: in the DOMAIN statement > > As I do not have control of the Netware servers I want to backup any drive > what ever it is called without checking each server every night to see if > an Admin has created a new volume > > If you specify nothing in the DOMAIN statement the NDS does not get backed > up > > If we could go back to the old way of doing things I could just use "Domain > All-Local NDS:" this will backup the NDS and whatever drives are mounted > > Kind Regards > > Dave > > > Dirk Billerbeck > <dirk.billerbeck@GEC To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > ITS-EU.COM> cc: > Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Subject: Re: netware client 5.1.5 >cluster support > Stor Manager" > <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > U> > > > 25/10/2002 11:51 > Please respond to > "ADSM: Dist Stor > Manager" > > > > Hi Dave, > > I don't know the Netware Cluster but AFAIK you should use separate TSM > client nodes for the local drives and each "clustergroup" (or whatever this > is called in the Netware cluster) and its drives. Each TSM node has its own > dsm.opt and uses as DOMAIN only the drives that are local to him. This way > you don't have to deal with failover issues and available/unavailable > drives on a cluster member. > > Mit freundlichen Grüßen, > Met vriendelijke groeten, > With best regards, > Bien amicalement, > > CU/2, > Dirk Billerbeck > > Dirk Billerbeck > GE CompuNet Kiel > Enterprise Computing Solutions > Am Jaegersberg 20, 24161 Altenholz (Kiel), Germany > Phone: +49 (0) 431 / 3609 - 117, Fax: +49 (0) 431 / 3609 - 190, > Internet: dirk.billerbeck @ > > This email is confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, > you must not disclose or use the information contained in it. > If you have received this mail in error, please tell us > immediately by return email and delete the document. > > [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 25.10.2002 10:32:28 > > Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > Sent by: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > cc: > Subject: netware client 5.1.5 cluster support > > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > Hi *sm people: > > I have an issue with the latest Netware client 5.1.5 > > I have been waiting for the cluster support in the 5.1.5 client > Now it seems I can not backup all clustered drives and NDS > I see others have used nds: sys: vol1: etc > I can not specify the drives to backup in the option file because this > varies depending on the failover status of the clustered drives > Does anyone have any ideas? > > Regards > > Dave -- Jim Kirkman AIS - Systems UNC-Chapel Hill 966-5884