Guys, Is the issue what you want to back up from the local node vs. the clustered volumes?. The reason I ask is the domain all-local nds: statement does work as long as the colon is included. At least it works on a standalone box, I need to try an NDS backup on a clustered node.
What I'm still wrestling with is how to point to a separate optfile on a cluster volume. I keep getting invalid option optfile vol:\folder\file msg. I'd like to hear how you have thing set up for your clustergroup. "Frost, Dave" wrote: > Dirk, > You are correct the Clustered drive is not an issue as you use a > Clustergroup dsm.opt file > > What is still an issue is that to backup the NDS you must enter NDS: SYS: > VOL1: in the DOMAIN statement > > As I do not have control of the Netware servers I want to backup any drive > what ever it is called without checking each server every night to see if > an Admin has created a new volume > > If you specify nothing in the DOMAIN statement the NDS does not get backed > up > > If we could go back to the old way of doing things I could just use "Domain > All-Local NDS:" this will backup the NDS and whatever drives are mounted > > Kind Regards > > Dave > > > Dirk Billerbeck > <dirk.billerbeck@GEC To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > ITS-EU.COM> cc: > Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Subject: Re: netware client 5.1.5 >cluster support > Stor Manager" > <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > U> > > > 25/10/2002 11:51 > Please respond to > "ADSM: Dist Stor > Manager" > > > > Hi Dave, > > I don't know the Netware Cluster but AFAIK you should use separate TSM > client nodes for the local drives and each "clustergroup" (or whatever this > is called in the Netware cluster) and its drives. Each TSM node has its own > dsm.opt and uses as DOMAIN only the drives that are local to him. This way > you don't have to deal with failover issues and available/unavailable > drives on a cluster member. > > Mit freundlichen Grüßen, > Met vriendelijke groeten, > With best regards, > Bien amicalement, > > CU/2, > Dirk Billerbeck > > Dirk Billerbeck > GE CompuNet Kiel > Enterprise Computing Solutions > Am Jaegersberg 20, 24161 Altenholz (Kiel), Germany > Phone: +49 (0) 431 / 3609 - 117, Fax: +49 (0) 431 / 3609 - 190, > Internet: dirk.billerbeck @ > > This email is confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, > you must not disclose or use the information contained in it. > If you have received this mail in error, please tell us > immediately by return email and delete the document. > > [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 25.10.2002 10:32:28 > > Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > Sent by: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > cc: > Subject: netware client 5.1.5 cluster support > > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > Hi *sm people: > > I have an issue with the latest Netware client 5.1.5 > > I have been waiting for the cluster support in the 5.1.5 client > Now it seems I can not backup all clustered drives and NDS > I see others have used nds: sys: vol1: etc > I can not specify the drives to backup in the option file because this > varies depending on the failover status of the clustered drives > Does anyone have any ideas? > > Regards > > Dave -- Jim Kirkman AIS - Systems UNC-Chapel Hill 966-5884