Due to the fact that we are moving to a new location and will not have
access to our ATL system, we are looking at changing the way we do backups.
In this new building we will have a new TSM server and a 3590 E11 attached
to it. As I said before, we will not have access to our existing TSM Server
nor the ATL library.  We will have about 65 Clients to backup nightly.  I
know that the first backup I run on the new  server will backup everything.
We are looking into doing incremental backup Monday-Thursday and either a
Selective or Archive on a weekly starting on Fridays and letting it run for
how ever long it takes.  And rotating the Incremental tapes every 5 weeks.
My question is that if we do a Selective or Archive backup, we'll we be able
to use those tapes Plus the incremental to recover a server including the
OS.  Will the Selective or Archive backup the System State information? if
the answer to the two questions is no, then what is my other options.


Mehdi Amini
LAN/WAN Engineer
3110 Fairview Park Drive
Falls Church, VA 22042
Phone: 703-208-8754
Fax: 703-205-6879

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