You have to call 1-888-IBM-Media (1-888-426-6334) to arrange for warranty
replacement. The link below will give you the full details.


Rick Saylor
Austin Community College

At 11:26 AM 10/9/02 -0500, you wrote:
>we've got a 3575 L18 tape library, which we use 3575 tapes in. we've had
>the library for 2-3 years, and i've got a box of 32 "failed" tapes. i'd
>like to try and return those tapes, i'm assuming they are under warranty
>right? where in the heck do you return them. ive ibmserve and they are
>giving me the run-around. and the tech guy would have no idea either.
>anyone do this lately?
>---                                                        ---
>    Alex Lazarevich | Systems | Imaging Technology Group
>    [EMAIL PROTECTED] | (217)244-1565 |
>---                                                        ---

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