Hi all, we've just upgraded our TSM server to 5.1.1 and we are having problems with the command line help function. When entering 'HELP UPD' via the TSM Admin command line, the server replies with the following format text...
tsm: ADSM>help upd UPDATE Commands||UPDATE Commands||Use the UPDATE command to modify one or more attributes of an existing TSM|object.||The following is a list of UPDATE commands for TSM:|| UPDATE ADMIN (Update an Administrator)| UPDATE BACKUPSET (Update a Retention Value Assigned to a Backup Set)| UPDATE CLIENTOPT (Update a Client Option Sequence Number)| UPDATE CLOPTSET (Update a Client Option Set Description)| UPDATE COPYGROUP (Update a Copy Group)| UPDATE DATAMOVER (Update a Data Mover)| UPDATE DBBACKUPTRIGGER (Update the Database Backup Trigger)| UPDATE DEVCLASS (Update the Attributes of a Device Class)| UPDATE DOMAIN (Update a Policy Domain)| UPDATE DRIVE (Update a Drive)| UPDATE LIBRARY (Update a Library)| UPDATE LIBVOLUME (Change the Status of a Storage Volume)| UPDATE MACHINE (Update Machine Information)| UPDATE MGMTCLASS (Update a Management Class)| UPDATE NODE (Update Node Attributes)| UPDATE PATH (Change a Path)| UPDATE POLICYSET (Update a Policy Set Description)| UPDATE PROFILE (Update a Profile Description)| UPDATE RECOVERYMEDIA (Update Recovery Media)| UPDATE SCHEDULE (Update a Schedule)| UPDATE SCRIPT (Update a Tivoli Storage Manager Script)| UPDATE SERVER (Update a Server Defined for Server-to-Server| Communications)| UPDATE SERVERGROUP (Update a Server Group Description)| UPDATE SPACETRIGGER (Update the Database or Recovery Log Space| Triggers)| UPDATE STGPOOL (Update a Storage Pool)| UPDATE VOLHISTORY (Update Sequential Volume History Information)| UPDATE VOLUME (Change a Storage Pool Volume)|| tsm: ADSM> It appears that it does not recognise the carriage return character. The same happens when entering the command through the command line on the Web Interface. It happens on both V5.1 & V3.7 clients. The Server is running TSM 5.1.1 on AIX 4.3.3 Does anybody know how to rectify this ? many thanks, Nick Rutherford ********************************************************************* This e-mail is confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual to whom it is addressed. Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Honda of the UK Manufacturing Ltd. If you are not the intended recipient please notify the sender immediately by return e-mail and then delete this message from your system. Also be advised that any use, disclosure, forwarding, printing or copying of this e-mail if sent in error is strictly prohibited. Thank you for your co-operation. *********************************************************************