I don't think there is a quick answer; that's why I was hoping someone had
already invented this wheel.

Unless I'm missing some pretty big clues (which is very eminently possible)
the report would require determining storage pool type to create a MB/File
count "Primary Storage Pool" column and a "Copy Storage Pool" column, then
some way to determine which Copypool belonged to which primary pool.

-----Original Message-----
From: Henk ten Have [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 8:15 AM
Subject: Re: Occupancy comparison script

On 23-Jul-02 Prather, Wanda wrote:
> This goes top down instead of side by side ...
> but it's quick and easy!
>  select stgpool_name, sum(physical_mb)/1024 as physical_GB
>   from occupancy                -
>  group by stgpool_name order by stgpool_name

Hmm....I think it's "not quick and dirty"...;-) :

ANR2963W This SQL query may produce a very large result table, or may
require a significant amount of time to compute.

And yes, it take some time, but the result is ok.

Henk ten Have.

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