This goes top down instead of side by side ...
but it's quick and easy!

 select stgpool_name, sum(physical_mb)/1024 as physical_GB
  from occupancy                -
 group by stgpool_name order by stgpool_name

-----Original Message-----
From: Jolliff, Dale [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 7:37 AM
Subject: Re: Occupancy comparison script

I need to restate that - I'm looking for a way to produce output that lines
up primary and copy storage pools occupancy side by side -- I just need a
sanity check on the numbers before pulling tapes from the vault for a DR

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Crawford [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, July 22, 2002 11:05 PM
Subject: Re: Occupancy comparison script


backup stgpool primarypool copypool preview=yes

Check the activity log, it will show which volumes would need to be
mounted for a backup, if any.


Jolliff, Dale wrote:

>I know someone has already invented this wheel...
>I need to create a script to compare occupancy of primary sequential pools
>to copypools to verify a complete stgpool backup.
>Anyone got one handy that won't bring a server to it's knees?

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