hi, maybe you will have something usefull on this script:

select severity,count(*) as "TOTAAL" from actlog where severity in
('E','W') AND cast((current_timestamp-date_time)hours as decimal (8,0)) <24
group by severity select date(date_time) as "DATUM" , time(date_time) as
"TIJD" , message as "MESSAGE" FROM actlog WHERE severity = 'E' AND msgno
NOT in
AND cast((current_timestamp-date_time)hours as decimal (8,0)) <24


select nodename,message from actlog where (msgno=4961 or msgno=4964)AND
nodename='$1' AND cast((current_timestamp-date_time)hours as decimal (8,0))
<24 order by nodename

Look in the messages guide 5.1 Messages GC32-0767-00.pdf for other
messagenumbers you would like to see.

At 10:13 21-05-2002 -0700, you wrote:
>Also, there *may* be other messages of interest (if b/a-client, 4961, 4959,
>and others in close numeric proximity are the session statistics messages).
>Don France
>Technical Architect - Tivoli Certified Consultant
>Professional Association of Contract Employees (P.A.C.E.)
>San Jose, CA
>(408) 257-3037
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Steve Harris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2002 7:26 PM
>Subject: Re: Select Stmt? or Query
>Try something like
>select date_time, message
>from actlog
>where nodename='MYNODE'
>and date_time > current timestamp - 12 hours
>and msgno in (1234, 5678, 9876)
>Just tune the where clause to select the messages that you want.  Run this
>in commadelimited mode and pipe the output through your scripting tool of
>choice to give you a pretty report.
>Steve Harris
>AIX and TSM Admin
>Queensland Health, Brisbane Australia
> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 08/05/2002 3:35:57 >>>
>Hello All:
>I have a unix client that kicks off an incremental backups thru tivoli
>using an internal dump process for a sql database.  I want to provide a
>report to the group that monitors its backup.  The only information they
>care about is whether a filespace backed up successfully, what files
>failed, and how much data was transferred.  For the time being I am
>running 'q actlog begind=-1 begint=18:00:00 sea='nodename', because we
>try to schedule our backups between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m.  This is too much
>information to run thru on a daily basis for them and they were hoping I
>could trim down a report.  Does anybody have a select statement or query
>that comes close to the needs I have?
>Bud Brown
>Information Services
>Systems Administrator
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met vriendelijke groet,
with regards,

Peter Pijpelink

Bezoek onze website op http://www.plcs.nl

P.L.C.S. Storage Consultants

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