Also, there *may* be other messages of interest (if b/a-client, 4961, 4959,
and others in close numeric proximity are the session statistics messages).

Don France
Technical Architect - Tivoli Certified Consultant
Professional Association of Contract Employees (P.A.C.E.)
San Jose, CA
(408) 257-3037

----- Original Message -----
From: "Steve Harris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2002 7:26 PM
Subject: Re: Select Stmt? or Query

Try something like

select date_time, message
from actlog
where nodename='MYNODE'
and date_time > current timestamp - 12 hours
and msgno in (1234, 5678, 9876)

Just tune the where clause to select the messages that you want.  Run this
in commadelimited mode and pipe the output through your scripting tool of
choice to give you a pretty report.

Steve Harris
AIX and TSM Admin
Queensland Health, Brisbane Australia

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 08/05/2002 3:35:57 >>>
Hello All:

I have a unix client that kicks off an incremental backups thru tivoli
using an internal dump process for a sql database.  I want to provide a
report to the group that monitors its backup.  The only information they
care about is whether a filespace backed up successfully, what files
failed, and how much data was transferred.  For the time being I am
running 'q actlog begind=-1 begint=18:00:00 sea='nodename', because we
try to schedule our backups between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m.  This is too much
information to run thru on a daily basis for them and they were hoping I
could trim down a report.  Does anybody have a select statement or query
that comes close to the needs I have?


Bud Brown
Information Services
Systems Administrator

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