You've just about gottit all.  There is some concern about this whole thing;
currently, you are limited to image backups using NDMP;  if you want
file-level granularity, you must use NFS mount to access the file system
from a supported b/a-client... not as pretty as you'd like, but that's the
way it is.  Then, too, you are limited to NAS filer;  Auspex and other
filers are not supported.

The storage pool limitation comes from the format used to store the data;
they "invented" a new concept/format for NDMP storage pools, so must be kept
segregated from "standard" storage pools;  I THINK you can still use "backup
stg" command -- but you cannot intermix the different types of primary
storage pools in a common copy-pool.

IBM/Tivoli is wondering how much market there is to justify expanding this
support -- (a) file-level granularity and/or (b) other filers.  IMHO, I'd
want to see file-level granularity.  Comments can be posted here...

Don France
Technical Architect - Tivoli Certified Consultant

Professional Association of Contract Employees (P.A.C.E.)
San Jose, CA
(408) 257-3037

----- Original Message -----
From: "Gerald Wichmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 9:47 AM
Subject: TDP for NDMP

> Has anyone used and had any experiences with NDMP backups? I'm curious
> what kind of experiences you've had using the product. Pros/cons, etc..
> I've been reading the admin guide section on it and it seems like a
> whole other beast to what I'm used to with TSM. E.g. your NDMP file
> server has to be attacked to the tape drive. Seems like this would be
> undesirable if you had a lot of file servers. Would you have to buy a
> comparative # of tape drives? Or how many tape drives could you share
> between your file servers and TSM server?
> Theres a comment about "you cannot backup a storage pool used for NDMP
> backups". Does this mean you can't create a copypool and 2nd copy of the
> backed up data?
> Do the NDMP backups only backup the entire file server and restore the
> entire file server? I guess it's not clear to me on what level of
> granularity there is in backing up NDMP file servers.
> Seems like NDMP backups require their own TSM domain/policyset/etc
> structure as well.
> Also I understand it only works with Network Appliance NAS devices?
> Appreciate anyone with practical knowledge to comment on their
> experience and perhaps clarify some of my questions above.. thank-you

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