Has anyone used and had any experiences with NDMP backups? I'm curious
what kind of experiences you've had using the product. Pros/cons, etc..
I've been reading the admin guide section on it and it seems like a
whole other beast to what I'm used to with TSM. E.g. your NDMP file
server has to be attacked to the tape drive. Seems like this would be
undesirable if you had a lot of file servers. Would you have to buy a
comparative # of tape drives? Or how many tape drives could you share
between your file servers and TSM server?

Theres a comment about "you cannot backup a storage pool used for NDMP
backups". Does this mean you can't create a copypool and 2nd copy of the
backed up data?

Do the NDMP backups only backup the entire file server and restore the
entire file server? I guess it's not clear to me on what level of
granularity there is in backing up NDMP file servers.

Seems like NDMP backups require their own TSM domain/policyset/etc
structure as well.

Also I understand it only works with Network Appliance NAS devices?

Appreciate anyone with practical knowledge to comment on their
experience and perhaps clarify some of my questions above.. thank-you

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