Ok, lots of help here from Bill, Lindsay and Tab, and I appreciate it very much. Now here is a stab at the steps I need to take. Since I'm not much of a script/programmer I'd appreciate any help in correcting mistakes I've made.
Note: This will be done from an AIX console on the TSM server. Step1: SET SQLDISPLAYMODE WIDE Step2: select 'checkout libv ' || trim(library_name) || ' ' || trim(volume_name) || ' checkl=no rem=no' from libvolumes > /tmp/vols Step3: cat /tmp/vols | awk '{print "checkout libv library_name $1 checkl=no rem=no"}' >/tmp/macro Step4: dsmadmc -id=... -pas=... -itemcommit macro /tmp/macro The output of the file in step2 goes like this: checkout libv 3494LIB U00008 checkl=no rem=no checkout libv 3494LIB U00026 checkl=no rem=no checkout libv 3494LIB U00244 checkl=no rem=no checkout libv 3494LIB U00302 checkl=no rem=no And so on and so on. I'm sure my step3, which I took direct from the email Lindsay sent, needs work. A little help......again please. Thanks, Geoff Gill TSM Administrator NT Systems Support Engineer SAIC E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Phone: (858) 826-4062 Pager: (877) 905-7154