try audit vol command with fix=yes option then upgrade your TSM server 
to avoid further problems 

        Sent by: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        02.04.2002 16:07 
        Please respond to ADSM-L 
                        To:        [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
                        Subject:        Volume Problem


I am running reclamation for a copy pool and there are two tapes in the
pool that have reclaimed all of the data except for the last 1%.
Reclamation runs and pulls these volumes in about every hour(I don't have
reclamation jobs set to run at certain times). 

04/01/2002 00:56:46   ANR1040I Space reclamation started for volume 491674, 

                       storage pool TAPECOPYSPMGNT (process number 12). 

04/01/2002 00:56:46   ANR1040I Space reclamation started for volume 483401, 

                       storage pool TAPECOPYSPMGNT (process number 12). 

04/01/2002 01:31:38   ANR1040I Space reclamation started for volume 491674, 

                       storage pool TAPECOPYSPMGNT (process number 16). 

04/01/2002 01:31:38   ANR1040I Space reclamation started for volume 483401, 

                       storage pool TAPECOPYSPMGNT (process number 16). 

04/01/2002 01:32:46   ANR1040I Space reclamation started for volume 491674, 

                       storage pool TAPECOPYSPMGNT (process number 17). 

04/01/2002 01:32:46   ANR1040I Space reclamation started for volume 483401, 

                       storage pool TAPECOPYSPMGNT (process number 17). 

04/01/2002 01:56:46   ANR1040I Space reclamation started for volume 491674, 

                       storage pool TAPECOPYSPMGNT (process number 18). 

04/01/2002 01:56:46   ANR1040I Space reclamation started for volume 483401, 

                       storage pool TAPECOPYSPMGNT (process number 18). 

I brought the tapes back from the vault and tried to do a MOVE DATA, but
when I try this I get the message:  ANR2209W Volume 483401 contains no

When I do a q vol I get the following: 

Volume Name               Storage      Device      Estimated    Pct
                         Pool Name    Class Name   Capacity   Util
------------------------  -----------  ----------  ---------  -----
483401                    TAPECOPYS-   TAPEOFF3-    11,427.6    1.0    Full 

                           PMGNT        590 

Which leads me to believe that there is information on the tape.  I have
even also tried to delete the information off of the tape and that doesn't
work either.  I don't know what else to do to get these tapes to scratch.
Any suggestions??  Thanks!!! 

Joni Moyer
Associate Systems Programmer

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