Hello, I have a Red Hat Linux 7.2 TSM client v 4.2.1 which seems to have a problem with a certain VALID password.
I do a "set password" on the command line, and enter old/new password. It accepts the new password fine. I exit from the command line. I start the scheduler. I restart the command line and then do a "q sched".... and it asks for a nodename, I enter one, and it completes the q sched fine. I enter q sched again and it asks for the nodename again, in fact every time I do a q sched, it asks for the nodename. When the scheduler begins backing up at night, I get an authentication failure. The dsm.sys file is fine. The behaviour goes away if I simply change the password to anything but the particular string of alpha-numeric characters. When I set the password to the particular password string again, the odd behaviour comes back. For security reasons, I can't provide the password that is causing the problem..... Any ideas? Keith