In the windows world I use another tool to convert the outputted .out file to html so I can post to a web page for management. The tool is called asctotab and is postcardware, more info can be found at the following website My script is as Justin described but with (asctotab "d:\program files\tivoli\tsm\baclient\schdevnt.out") as the last line.
In the Unix world I use a different tool htdig. I use a Linux box to samba mount the windows clients directory where my log files live dsmerror.log, dsmsched.log, etc... and then management uses htdig to search all clients at once for any word that they would like i.e.. error, failed, etc... More info on htdig can be found at it's a website search engine but can be configured for file searches. It's not perfect, but it works. If I could keep Tivoli from failing on scheduled jobs I could spend more time on reporting and make it better. Out of 61 nodes, 31 schedules, !everyday!!! we have failures, what's up with that? I came into this system 6 months ago and can count on one hand the amount of 100% success schedule reports that we have had. One day things will be good then the next day a couple of failed schedules. I know that "failed" means that Tivoli didn't backup to 110% to it's satisfaction, and "success" can mean that you didn't get everything backed up. OK, let me get off my soapbox, just venting. Is this the norm, or is everyone else running at 100% success everyday? Wait.., I guess the entries in this list answers my question. On the other hand (I am very sincere about this) this list the users and the archives in it have been a great asset in assisting me work through many issues and has helped tremendously in the learning process. Thanks to all, Mark Bertrand -----Original Message----- From: Justin Derrick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2002 7:36 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: TSM Reporting.. You didn't say which platform you're on, but the idea is that you can prepare a select statement, then issue it from the command line like this... dsmadmc -id=admin -pass=<passwd> -outfile=report.txt select blah from blah where blah There are other switches that control the format and/or style of the output. If you're in the UNIX world, you can schedule this through cron. There are also ways to define scripts to TSM, something that one of the other kind listmembers will discuss... For specs on the command line options, Check out the Admin Reference (Page 24 of the UNIX Admin Ref for v4.1) under the heading "Using Administrative Client Options". -JD. >Hello *SMers > >I'd like have automated reporting on TSM activities. I'm using a tedious, >manual process right now. I also have scripts defined using the WEB client, >but I don't know how to write the report to a file. > >Help please? > >Thanks... >Ike > > >Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida, Inc., and its subsidiary and >affiliate companies are not responsible for errors or omissions in this >e-mail message. Any personal comments made in this e-mail do not reflect >the views of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.