You didn't say which platform you're on, but the idea is that you can prepare a select statement, then issue it from the command line like this...
dsmadmc -id=admin -pass=<passwd> -outfile=report.txt select blah from blah where blah There are other switches that control the format and/or style of the output. If you're in the UNIX world, you can schedule this through cron. There are also ways to define scripts to TSM, something that one of the other kind listmembers will discuss... For specs on the command line options, Check out the Admin Reference (Page 24 of the UNIX Admin Ref for v4.1) under the heading "Using Administrative Client Options". -JD. >Hello *SMers > >I'd like have automated reporting on TSM activities. I'm using a tedious, >manual process right now. I also have scripts defined using the WEB client, >but I don't know how to write the report to a file. > >Help please? > >Thanks... >Ike > > >Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida, Inc., and its subsidiary and >affiliate companies are not responsible for errors or omissions in this >e-mail message. Any personal comments made in this e-mail do not reflect >the views of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida, Inc.