Hi Steve, by default all files and directories from the drives in the DOMAIN statement are backed up during an incremental backup.
If you just want to backup the H:\TOP directory and all subdirectories (including files) then you have to options: 1. dsmc inc h:\top\* -subdir=yes or 2. Change your include/exclude list to exclude ?:\...\* include h:\top\...\* and start the backup with dsmc inc Note that the include/exclude list is processed from bottom up! Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Met vriendelijke groeten, With best regards, Bien amicalement, CU/2, Dirk Billerbeck Dirk Billerbeck GE CompuNet Kiel Enterprise Computing Solutions Am Jaegersberg 20, 24161 Altenholz (Kiel), Germany Phone: +49 (0) 431 / 3609 - 117, Fax: +49 (0) 431 / 3609 - 190, Internet: dirk.billerbeck @ gecits-eu.com This email is confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, you must not disclose or use the information contained in it. If you have received this mail in error, please tell us immediately by return email and delete the document. [EMAIL PROTECTED]@VM.MARIST.EDU on 26.02.2002 15:32:56 Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent by: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] cc: Subject: EXCLUDE Command -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi, I am having real problem with creating a batch file to kick off my backup The batch file is as follows @Echo Off Echo Starting backup... CD /d c:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient dsmc inc and the OPT file is as follows NODENAME MCAPS1 TCPSERVERADDRESS mcjdebatch TCPNODELAY NO TXNBYTELIMIT 25600 SUBDIR YES USELARGEBUFFERS YES BACKUPREGISTRY YES TCPWINDOWSIZE 63 TCPBUFFSIZE 32 ERRORLOGRETENTION 7 D SCHEDLOGRETENTION 7 D PASSWORDACCESS GENERATE DOMAIN C: D: F: H: INCLUDE H:\TOP\*.* EXCLUDE C: D: F: H: When I run the batch file TSM backs up all the drives and not just the TOP directory and any sub directories. Any ideas? Thanks