Hi, I am having real problem with creating a batch file to kick off my backup
The batch file is as follows @Echo Off Echo Starting backup... CD /d c:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient dsmc inc and the OPT file is as follows NODENAME MCAPS1 TCPSERVERADDRESS mcjdebatch TCPNODELAY NO TXNBYTELIMIT 25600 SUBDIR YES USELARGEBUFFERS YES BACKUPREGISTRY YES TCPWINDOWSIZE 63 TCPBUFFSIZE 32 ERRORLOGRETENTION 7 D SCHEDLOGRETENTION 7 D PASSWORDACCESS GENERATE DOMAIN C: D: F: H: INCLUDE H:\TOP\*.* EXCLUDE C: D: F: H: When I run the batch file TSM backs up all the drives and not just the TOP directory and any sub directories. Any ideas? Thanks