
Not sure exactly what you're trying to accomplish, but it would appear you
have a single directory that you want to back up every day whether the data
changes or not, and keep copies of those file for a different period of time
than the other files on that system?
If so, you can accomplish that without having to schedule a different
backup, and much less complication.

Create a separate management class within the same policy set, giving it a
name that you will use in the dsm.opt include statement - I'll call it FULL
for example.  Create a backup copy group in FULL that has the retention
parameters you want for the file.  If you want to keep 30 days worth,
specify 30 for all the retention parameters.

In the backup copygroup, specify copymode=absolute rather than the default,

In the dsm.opt file on the client specify

include \directoryforfull\...\* FULL

to get all of the files.

Note that backing the file up even if it didn't change didn't really buy you
anything over doing the incremental backups to a management class that has
the right retention parameters.  The point in time restore will allow you to
recreate the directory with all the files of a given day within the confines
of your retention parameters.

Bill Smoldt
STORServer, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
Zosimo Noriega
Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2002 7:24 PM
Subject: Daily full backup


How can i do a full backup instead of archiving everyday?  Because i have a
folder of data that need a full backup everyday, right know i'm doing
archive everyday. Is there a possible solution to do a full backup of that

Any help from you is really appreciated.

Zosi Noriega
Abu Dhabi UAE
009712 60249987

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