I do believe that the BYTES column in the SUMMARY table is the amount of
data transferred. Not necessarily the amount of data backed up. I had a
Notes server that only had 25GB of used space, but due to a conflict (the
admin was scheduling the COMPACTION at the same time as my backups) it was
being reported as over 50GB of data transfered. This was due to constant

I'm not sure if the accounting records contain the correct number of bytes
backed up vs. the number of bytes transferred in that session.

Bill Boyer
DSS, Inc.
'Everybody is somebody else's weirdo.' - ??

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
Charles Anderson
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2002 5:40 PM
Subject: Re: backup file list

I've got this SQL statement for backup, archive and restore stats.

"select activity,sum(bytes)/1048576*.001 from summary where activity in
'08:00:00') group by activity order by 1"

I'm guessing that was at least partially a script that came with the server,
as I don't usually write such in depth SQL.

As for your backup files lists I can only tell you what we're doing.  That's
looking for files that had some sort of error state. Query the actlog ( I
get the previous 24 hours every morning at 08:00 and get the scripts to look
through it for various things ) and grep for the following codes.
ANE4987E ( Files that were in use at backup time )
ANE4007E ( Files which TSM was denied accesss to )
ANE4005E ( Files that have probably been deleted )

Well, hope that helps, it should at least keep you busy for a while ;-)

Ed Anderson

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/20/01 23:24 PM >>>
Does anyone have a query that will tell me the backup file lists
and the average amount of data transmitted a day?

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