I've got this SQL statement for backup, archive and restore stats. "select activity,sum(bytes)/1048576*.001 from summary where activity in ('BACKUP','ARCHIVE','RESTORE') and start_tim>TIMESTAMP(CURRENT_DATE -1 DAY, '08:00:00') group by activity order by 1"
I'm guessing that was at least partially a script that came with the server, as I don't usually write such in depth SQL. As for your backup files lists I can only tell you what we're doing. That's looking for files that had some sort of error state. Query the actlog ( I get the previous 24 hours every morning at 08:00 and get the scripts to look through it for various things ) and grep for the following codes. ANE4987E ( Files that were in use at backup time ) ANE4007E ( Files which TSM was denied accesss to ) ANE4005E ( Files that have probably been deleted ) Well, hope that helps, it should at least keep you busy for a while ;-) - Ed Anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED] >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/20/01 23:24 PM >>> Does anyone have a query that will tell me the backup file lists and the average amount of data transmitted a day? CD DATA CORP. IDC TEAM. KIM IN YOP 14th Floor,Sam Jung Bldg. 237-11,Nonhyun-Dong,Gangnam-Gu, Seoul,Korea 135-831 TEL: 82-2-546-3108 MOBILE: 016 9770-2032 FAX: 82-2-514-9007