Status Distribution December 29, 2001 05:15:11
The message regarding "ADSM/TSM Training" sent on December 29, 2001 05:15:11 was sent by Status Recipient Type To Native Name [EMAIL PROTECTED] Foreign Native Name [EMAIL PROTECTED]\n\n\nSMTP Recipients Status Reporters Type From Name Domain LOTUS Native Name CN=Burak Demircan/OU=152/OU=DCAG/O=DCX@wK-COOP Foreign Native Name CN=Burak Demircan/OU=152/OU=DCAG/O=DCX\nwK-COOP\n\n Organization DCX Org Unit 1 DCAG Org Unit 2 152 Last Name Demircan First Name Burak Status 769 Explanation Invalid recipient X.400 Status 769 Explanation Router: Unable to open mailbox file SSTRDG08.WK.DCX.COM/HUB/PROD/DCX The remote server is not a known TCP/IP host.