I want to run this Select command  the next day   but didn't know the
correct syntax   for where date(start_time)= ??????  To get the correct
output for the day before. (like date(start_time)=date(current date) -1).

'select entity as node_name, date(start_time) as date, cast(activity as
varchar(10))as activity, time(start_time) as start, time(end_time) as
end,cast(bytes/1024/1024 as decimal(6,0)) as megabytes, cast(affected as
decimal(7,0)) as files,successful from summary where
date(start_time)=date(current date) and time(start_time)>'18:00:00' and
time(end_time)<'23:59:59' and activity='ARCHIVE' order by start asc'

T.I.A Regards Robert

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