Thank you Daniel! I´ve not considered this alternative. Merry Christmas,
Anderson Hi How about using HSM on your Netware fileserver? This way you get 2 things: 1. You save a lot of disk, and doesn't have to expand the disk capacity on your fileserver that often. 2. A much more faster restore. About 60% of the data on your fileserver can be concidered archived data, that is rarely used by your users. Moving this to tape, but with stubfiles left on the fileservers disk, means that the users will see all files, but files that have been moved, taks about 15-20 seconds longer to access than normal files. You will also get a lot more free diskspace(about 180GB on your fileserver that is 300GB). The migrated data doesn't have to be restored to the fileserver in an event of disaster. This means you only have to restore 40% of your fileserver, or 120GB. Knozall have an HSM client for Netware called FileWizard TSM. We're running this both on on of your customers sites, and in our own lab, and it works like a clock. Best Regards Daniel Sparrman ----------------------------------- Daniel Sparrman Exist i Stockholm AB Bergkällavägen 31D 192 79 SOLLENTUNA Växel: 08 - 754 98 00 Mobil: 070 - 399 27 51 "Anderson F. Nobre" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 2001-12-22 23:09 ZW2 Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] cc: bcc: Subject: backup/recovery Hi, I have some doubt about how to improve the recovery time of a fileserver. I mean a fileserver with 300GB I spend 4 hour to backup. But to recover it from scratch takes about 24 hours. I was thinking in use backupsets, but in my opinion I just transfering the problem from client to server. So I would spend 24 hours to generate a backupset to this node. The reasons for the recovery is so slow compared to backup I understand that the first reason is because I always do incremental backup, the second it´s because I use multithreading on client and when I do the recovery is always one session. The other reason is the fragmentation of the files on the tape, even using colocation=yes. I´ve already created a mgmtclass to make the backup of directories on a disk stgpool. Anyone have any sugestion on how to increase the speed of restore? Regards, Anderson