
I have some doubt about how to improve the recovery time of a fileserver. I
mean a fileserver with 300GB I spend 4 hour to backup. But to recover it
from scratch takes about 24 hours. I was thinking in use backupsets, but in
my opinion I just transfering the problem from client to server. So I would
spend 24 hours to generate a backupset to this node.
The reasons for the recovery is so slow compared to backup I understand that
the first reason is because I always do incremental backup, the second itīs
because I use multithreading on client and when I do the recovery is always
one session. The other reason is the fragmentation of the files on the tape,
even using colocation=yes.
Iīve already created a mgmtclass to make the backup of directories on a disk
Anyone have any sugestion on how to increase the speed of restore?



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