> Del, I read the readme (that sounds strange!) and it says that for > incremental's tdp always uses unique file names so the parameter that > governs how many copies to keep is the retonly variable. Does this mean that > full backups use the same name every time and the parameter to use is the > retextra? I know with v1 it used the server name and date to denote the > backup set name which would also be unique. Can you clear this up for me???
Mark Basically... you are correct: - For incrementals - use RETONLY - For full/copy/differential backups - use RETEXTRA The README doesn't go into as much detail as the User's Guide. In the User's Guide, in chapter 2, look under "TDP for Exchange Version 2 Policy Recommendations", and you will find this: ====================================================================== TDP for Exchange Version 2 differs significantly from TDP for Exchange Version 1 in the manner backup objects stored on the TSM server are named. This difference allows exploitation of automatic, policy-based expiration capabilities provided by the TSM server. As a result, do not use TDP for Exchange Version 1 recommended management class parameters with TDP for Exchange Version 2. Use the following recommended policy settings for TDP for Exchange Version 2: TDP for Exchange stores all objects as backup objects on TSM in backup storage pools, so an archive copy group is not required, although an archive copy group can exist. Set the following copy group parameters as desired to define the version limit and retention periods for Exchange Server database backup objects: Versions Data Exists Versions Data Deleted Retain Extra Versions Retain Only Version It is recommended that you discuss these parameters with your TSM Server Administrator in order to accomplish your backup strategy. You can accept default values for the following backup copy group parameters as they are not applicable to TDP for Exchange: Copy mode Copy serialization Copy frequency Incremental backups are always uniquely named. As a result, incremental backups do not participate in expirations (due to version limit) because there is never more than one version of an incremental backup object. However, all backup objects for an Exchange Server storage group are inactivated when a new full backup of that Exchange Server storage group is performed. Therefore, the retention period set in the Retain Only Version parameter controls the expiration of incremental backup objects. When setting the value of the Retain Only Version parameter for incremental backups, the value must be (at a minimum) as long as the value set for the full backup objects to which the incremental backups are associated. You can use the same management class for incremental backups and the full backup objects (that are retained the longest) to be sure an adequate value is used. A single restore can require a full backup, a differential backup, and/or multiple incremental backups. It is recommended to use collocation if these backups are stored on removable media. Use collocation by filespace if you plan to restore multiple storage groups in parallel. This is recommended because all data for any one storage group is stored within one TSM Server filespace. Thanks, Del ---------------------------------------------------- Del Hoobler IBM Corporation [EMAIL PROTECTED] "Celebrate we will. Life is short but sweet for certain..." -- Dave