Del, I read the readme (that sounds strange!) and it says that for
incremental's tdp always uses unique file names so the parameter that
governs how many copies to keep is the retonly variable. Does this mean that
full backups use the same name every time and the parameter to use is the
retextra? I know with v1 it used the server name and date to denote the
backup set name which would also be unique. Can you clear this up for me???


-----Original Message-----
From: Del Hoobler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2001 12:55 PM
Subject: Re: Management class for incr and full backups with TDP for
Excha nge 2.2

> Well the backup copy groups for TDP for Exchange should be 0. You control
> how long you keep the backup copies by using the command line option
> /adsmautodelete which specifies how long you want to keep copies for. You
> will need to do it through batch files and the TSM scheduler...
> Mark


This is only true for TDP for Exchange version 1.

TDP for Exchange version 2 uses TSM full policy management
so you can set up your management classes to control
all of this through policy settings and INCLUDE lists.




Del Hoobler
IBM Corporation

"Life is short but sweet for certain..."    -- Dave

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