Look at the format of the device class for the drives. If you let it default to "DRIVE" it will use all available hardware compression... I always tell clients to use compression and I also have the drives set to use compression.
tsm: TSMSRV10>q dev f=d Device Class Name: 3590E1A Device Access Strategy: Sequential Storage Pool Count: 6 Device Type: 3590 Format: DRIVE <stuff deleted> Syntax >>-DEFine DEVclass--device_class_name----DEVType--=--3590-------> .-FORMAT--=--DRIVE-------. >-----+------------------------+--LIBRary--=--library_name------> '-FORMAT--=--+-DRIVE---+-' +-3590B---+ +-3590C---+ +-3590E-B-+ '-3590E-C-' <stuff deleted> FORMAT Specifies the recording format to be used when writing data to sequential access media. This parameter is optional; the default value is DRIVE. The following are possible values for 3590 devices: DRIVE Specifies that TSM selects the highest format that can be supported by the sequential access drive on which a volume is mounted. 3590B Specifies that TSM writes data using the basic (uncompressed) format. This results in a tape capacity of approximately 10GB. 3590C Specifies that TSM writes data using the compressed format. This results in a tape capacity of approximately 10GB. However, this format uses the tape drive's hardware compression feature so the actual capacity may be greater depending on the effectiveness of compression. 3590E-B Specifies that TSM writes data by using the uncompressed format similar to the 3590B format. This results in a tape capacity of approximately 10GB. 3590E-C Specifies that TSM writes data by using the compressed format similar to the 3590C format. This results in a tape capacity of approximately 10GB. However, this format uses the tape drive's hardware compression feature so the actual capacity may be greater depending on the effectiveness of compression. -----Original Message----- From: Farren Minns [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Monday, November 19, 2001 5:10 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Help Please with 3590 Hardware Compression Fellow TSMers I have a question regarding compression and 3590 drives. I must apologise that I am not the most technically minded person, so responses in laymen's terms are most appreciated. Set-up TSM Server running on a Solaris 7 box Attached to an IBM 3494 library with two 3590 drives I understand that compression can be done from the client side, but have been told that hardware compression can be a lot better and quicker. Can anyone tell me how to find out if 3590 hardware compression is in use, and how to set it up is it isn't (or pointers in the right direction). At the moment our drives are enabled as follows:- Library Name Drive Name Device Type Device ON LINE ------------ ------------ ----------- ---------------- ------------------- 3494A DRIVE1 3590 /dev/rmt/3stc Yes 3494A DRIVE2 3590 /dev/rmt/5stc Yes Thanks in advance for any help Farren Minns