If you do a Q VOLUME, you can see how much data is written on a tape.
If you use 10GB tapes, and there is more GB's written, you can assume that
there is hardware compression.

    Maurice van 't Loo
    The Netherlands

----- Original Message -----
From: "Farren Minns" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2001 12:09 PM
Subject: Help Please with 3590 Hardware Compression

> Fellow TSMers
> I have a question regarding compression and 3590 drives. I must apologise
> that I am not the most technically minded person, so responses in laymen's
> terms are most appreciated.
> Set-up
> TSM Server running on a Solaris 7 box
> Attached to an IBM 3494 library with two 3590 drives
> I understand that compression can be done from the client side, but have
> been told that hardware compression can be a lot better and quicker. Can
> anyone tell me how to find out if 3590 hardware compression is in use, and
> how to set it up is it isn't (or pointers in the right direction).
> At the moment our drives are enabled as follows:-
> Library Name   Drive Name     Device          Type  Device   ON LINE
> ------------   ------------   -----------     ----------------    --------
> 3494A          DRIVE1         3590            /dev/rmt/3stc       Yes
> 3494A          DRIVE2         3590            /dev/rmt/5stc       Yes
> Thanks in advance for any help
> Farren Minns

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