Couple options include the following:

1.  You can actually map a network drive on the original node to the new
node you want to restore to.  Then during the restore, you can pick a
location and select the mapped drive.

2.  You can go to the new node you want to restore to, and in the dsm.opt
file you can change the node name to that of the old one, this way, when
the GUI starts up, it will think that it is the original node.  Mind you,
you will still need to pick a different location to restore to unless you
have the drives partitioned off exactly the same.

Hope this helps,


Yanki Yuksel
Sr. Systems/Network Administrator
Alcatel Canada
1235 Ormont Drive
Weston, Ontario, Canada
M9L 2W6
Tel:  (416) 742-3900 ext 5767
Fax: (416) 742-9088

                    "Seay, Paul"
                    <seay_pd@NAPT        To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                    HEON.COM>            cc:
                    Sent by:             Subject:     Re: Restoring to different node 
using administrative TSM-ID
                    "ADSM: Dist
                    Stor Manager"
                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

                    12:13 AM
                    respond to
                    "ADSM: Dist
                    Stor Manager"

I looked at this for 2 hours the other night and could not find a way to do
it through the GUI.  So, it will be interesting what the answer is.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jens Fornfeist [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2001 7:40 AM
Subject: Restoring to different node using administrative TSM-ID


i need to restore files to a different tsm-node ,than the data has
been backed up with.
Using the gui, there is the option "logon", where I can specify
the concerned "source-tsm-node" and my administrative TSM-ID,
for authenticating with/to the tsm-server. I have to use my ID because
of the "passwordaccess generate"-setting in the client-options-file, so
I do not know the passwords of the client-nodes. Using this way,
everything works fine.
The question is: How can I initiate this login-process using
the command-line???? I would like to simplify this process
for backup-operators, so that it is only necessary to enter
the administrative TSM-ID and password. The node-name
should have been set using a dsm.exe - paramater.
i.e.: dsm -loginid=userid -virtualnodename=sourcemachine

Is there an "undocumented feature" that solves my problem?
(or is it documented and I haven't found it?)

Thanks in advance!
Jens Fornfeist


IDG mbH, Cologne, Germany
Abt. CS3
phone: +49 221/308-2529


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