Hi, i need to restore files to a different tsm-node ,than the data has been backed up with. Using the gui, there is the option "logon", where I can specify the concerned "source-tsm-node" and my administrative TSM-ID, for authenticating with/to the tsm-server. I have to use my ID because of the "passwordaccess generate"-setting in the client-options-file, so I do not know the passwords of the client-nodes. Using this way, everything works fine. The question is: How can I initiate this login-process using the command-line???? I would like to simplify this process for backup-operators, so that it is only necessary to enter the administrative TSM-ID and password. The node-name should have been set using a dsm.exe - paramater. i.e.: dsm -loginid=userid -virtualnodename=sourcemachine
Is there an "undocumented feature" that solves my problem? (or is it documented and I haven't found it?) Thanks in advance! Jens Fornfeist -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IDG mbH, Cologne, Germany Abt. CS3 phone: +49 221/308-2529 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------