> how is it possible those backups are associated > with a mgmt class wich is not the default one,
See the ADSM-L archives at www.adsm.org for the answer to this, as it was just discussed. Use search criteria of: +raibeck +retonly +strange to find the pertinent thread. This is also discussed in the TSM Administrator's Guide in the chapter on "Implementing Policies for Client Data". > and why is the inserted date in show version > slightly different from the one I have in the > dsmsched log The insertion date is per the clock on your TSM server machine, while the dsmsched.log date is per the clock on your TSM client machine. Even if the client and server are on the same machine, it is possible for the timestamps to be slightly different, as insertion into the server database is not synchronous with client logging. Regards, Andy Andy Raibeck IBM Software Group Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew Raibeck/Tucson/IBM@IBMUS Internet e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked. The command line is your friend. "Good enough" is the enemy of excellence. PAC Brion Arnaud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 11/08/2001 04:04 Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] cc: Subject: Re: TSM wizardry ? Hi Faren, You where right, only directories are backuped, so this solves part of my questions, but one remains : how is it possible those backups are associated with a mgmt class wich is not the default one, and why is the inserted date in show version slightly different from the one I have in the dsmsched log ? Thanks anyway for your response, it helped me ;-)) Cheers. Arnaud -----Original Message----- From: Farren Minns [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Donnerstag, 8. November 2001 10:42 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: TSM wizardry ? Hi Arnaud Are there any files in the filespace when it reappers, or just directories. As far as I know, the exclude command just excludes files. The exclude.dir command might be what you need. See below. >From the TSM guide. exclude.dir Locates matching directory names. If a matching directory is found, that directory, its files, and all its subdirectories and their files are excluded from backup services. Hope this helps Thanks Farren PAC Brion Arnaud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@VM.MARIST.EDU> on 08/11/2001 09:33:42 Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] cc: Subject: TSM wizardry ? Hi folks ! Here is a case that seems really strange to me. The picture : we have a node called pacrs170, that hosts a filespace named /fsdbexp. We used to backup this filespace daily, until we found it was useless keeping that data. I then decided do delete this filespace from TSM db, what worked perfectly : no trace from it at all, using show version, q fi, q occ aso ..... The day after, I checked this node again, and found the filespace was back, using q fi ! I am sure the filespace is excluded from my backup : this is an extract of my inclexcl : Exclude /fsdbexp/.../* Exclude /fsdbexp/* and this is an extract of backup log : 11/05/01 21:12:14 Normal File--> 847 /fsAdmin/DBA/TOOLS/SQL/upd_stats_ol2.sql [Sent] 11/05/01 21:12:17 Successful incremental backup of '/fsAdmin' 11/05/01 21:12:17 Successful incremental backup of '/fsdbexp' 11/05/01 21:12:17 Symbolic Link--> 18 /fr170ifxsrv2/chunk/lr170asd5101 [Sent] This node belongs a policy domain who's default management class is called AIX-SYSTEM, but was once backuped using another mgmt class called backup_2_years, whose backup copy group has following caracteristics : Versions Data Exists NOLIMIT Versions Data Deleted NOLIMIT Retain Extra Versions 730 Retain Only Version 730 Copy Mode MODIFIED Copy Serialization SHRDYNAMIC Copy Frequency 0 Copy Destination DISKPOOL_ARCH If I now do a q occ for this node, I don't see nothing concerning this /fsdbexp filespace, but if I do a q fi I obtain : PACRS170 /fsdbexp AIX JFS 65,536.0 85.9 Doing a show version pacrs170 /fsdbexp gives me (snippet of it) : /fsdbexp : / pacpan_save (MC: BACKUP_2_YEARS) Active, Inserted 11/07/01 21:11:54 ObjId: 0.91678174 /fsdbexp : / tivoli (MC: BACKUP_2_YEARS) Active, Inserted 11/07/01 21:11:54 ObjId: 0.91678175 /fsdbexp : /dbexp1/ HPL (MC: BACKUP_2_YEARS) Active, Inserted 11/07/01 21:11:54 ObjId: 0.91678176 /fsdbexp : /dbexp1/HPL/ agent (MC: BACKUP_2_YEARS) Active, Inserted 11/07/01 21:11:54 ObjId: 0.91678177 /fsdbexp : /dbexp1/HPL/ db_admin (MC: BACKUP_2_YEARS) Active, Inserted 11/07/01 21:11:54 ObjId: 0.91678178 Could anybody explain me why this filespace comes back when I delete it, why I can see it using q fi, but not using q occ, and why "show version" shows me those objects with inserted date corresponding (ok few seconds difference) with the date of daily backup for this node, but using a mgmt class not associated with this filespace in my incl-excl list, furthermore this list excludes that filespace !??? Is it linked with the fact I backuped that filespace once using mgmt class "backup_2_years" that has retain only version 730 days ? How could I then definitely erase this data ? I'm very confused, if anybody has a clue ... TIA. Arnaud =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= | Arnaud Brion, Panalpina Management Ltd., IT Group | | Viaduktstrasse 42, P.O. Box, 4002 Basel - Switzerland | | Phone: +41 61 226 19 78 / Fax: +41 61 226 17 01 | =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=