Petur - This problem was fixed in fixtest 11 (the api). You may obtain it from the IBM ftp server,
Switch to the /storage/tivoli-storage-management/patches/client/v4r1/Windows/v413 directory, then retrieve and install the self-installing fixtest, IP22321_11.exe. As with all fixtests, it is strongly recommended that this one be tested on a non-production machine before it is installed on a production machine. Regards, Dave Groves IBM SWG (Tivoli) phone : (408) 256-9795 tieline : 8-276-9575 notes : David Groves/San Jose/IBM@IBMUS internet : [EMAIL PROTECTED] Petur Eythorsson To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> cc: Sent by: Subject: Cant make full backup in SQL TDP 2.2 "ADSM: Dist *URGENT* **CASE SOLVED** :) Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] IST.EDU> 11/01/2001 08:46 AM Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" Thanks GOD !!! I don4t know what i did exacly to solve this problem. The only version diference, was the TSM Clients. We had TSM 4.1.0 on other clients, where the backup was susecfull, but we had installed the 4.1.3 clients in this case. I Recomend not to use 4.1.3 with TDP 2.2 --------------------------- Hi i have a strange problem. I can4t make a full backup of a SQL. We have reacently upgraded the machine and replaced the opreating system. i re-installed the TDP for SQL v.2.2 and tested a full backup, but then i get this message. from the server "ANR0530W Transaction failed for session 2258 for node SAGA_SQL (TDP MSSQLV2 NT) - internal server error detected." i i get this message in the GUI of the client. "Backup failed. ANS1301E (RC1)Server detected system error" and i get these messages in my event log "18210 : BackupVirtualDeviceFile::RequestDurableMedia: Flush failure on backup device 'TDPSQL-00000590-0000'. Operating system error 995(error not found). " and this one "3041 : BACKUP failed to complete the command USE master BACKUP DATABASE [master] TO VIRTUAL_DEVICE=N'TDPSQL-00000590-0000' WITH BLOCKSIZE=512, MAXTRANSFERSIZE=1048576, NAME=N'full', DESCRIPTION=N'TDPSQL-00000590-0000 (TDP MS SQL V2)'" The server is Dell, 4 cpu Windows 2000 Service Pack 2 SQL 2000 with no service pack, and no patch. we have a a simmelar clients with Windows 2000 and Service Pack 2 SQL 2000 with no serice pack, and no patches. And they have not been having this problem. And stagne enugh i have no problem with taking TransAction Log bakcup of this machine. This is oure Production Server and I MUST GET A FULL BACKUP OF THIS SERVER. PLEASE HELP ME, Ohh WISE COMRADES. :) ------------------------------------------------------- ^essi skilabop voru send mep vefpssti Fjarskiptafilagsins Tmtan. Slspin er: