
Server: Win2K TSM
Library: Qualstar 8210
Drives: HP Ultrium 1 (Don't know for sure if they are 215s or 230s)

I'm not seeing the drives correctly with the TSM Device Driver.  Device type
and TSM device type both show as unknown.

According to the device support list these drives are supported at 4.2.0.  I
assume that means later releases as well.

Any ideas?  Anybody have this working?  If you have it working with these
drives, please provide me the firmware level in the drives.  The only thing
I can think is that the drive firmware is sufficiently different from what
was tested but that seems pretty farfetched.  Perhaps a Tivoli person can
fill us in, at least generically, how device support is determined.  Does
the driver respond only to the device name coming back from the drive or is
more stuff used to determine compatibility?

Thanks folks,

Kelly J. Lipp
Storage Solutions Specialists, Inc.
PO Box 51313
Colorado Springs, CO 80949
Fax: (240)539-7175

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