Well, SWIT3! The volumes have to be already labelled & checked into the
library as SCRATCH volumes. Then, TSM will automatically mount a SCRATCH
volume and proceed with the data write. If not you will have numerous
insufficient space errors in the activity log.


Demetrius A. Malbrough
ADSM/TSM Consultant

>Reply-To: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2001 17:11:49 +0800
>I only have one tape drive to backup data.
>After the tape full, what will happen?
>Will the TSM alerts users to label a new tape and then continue to backup
>Or the users must prepare more tapes and labeled before using?
>Do you have any suggestion?
>Thank you very much!!
>Sincerely and Best Regards.
>  Marian Huang  (Miao-Ling Huang)
>18F, 206 Sec.1 Keelung Rd., Taipei Taiwan 110, R.O.C.
>Tel: +886-2-2725-8888  Ext. 3172
>Lotus Notes ID : SWIT3/Taiwan/Contr/IBM@IBMTW

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