
In mine opinion an delete volhistory todate=today-7 type=all is good. The
file vlolumehistory only give information when an tape changed from scratch
to private or dbbackup and what the location is off the dbbackup tapes. You
don't need the file in an total disaster. Then you need the file created
whit the command prepare.

-----Original Message-----
From: Matthew A. Bacchi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: woensdag 3 oktober 2001 15:39
Subject: volhist file extremely large

        I have seen some posts concerning this in the past, but I don't have
good feeling about my options.  I have a volumeshistory file that is around
megs, and entries that go back to 1997.  What I want to know is, how do I
for sure that I can delete a particular entry?  Kelly mentioned that he does
"delete volhist type=all todate=today-30" but that seems a little extreme to

me.  I believe that I have volumes that have data on them for much longer
30 days.  I am pretty sure they haven't had data on them for 4 years, but
bet it is closer to 6 months.

What do you guys do to verify that the volumehistory entry can be deleted? I

suppose I can write a script, but wanted some input first.

Thanks in advance.


 **    Matt Bacchi                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 **    IBM Global Services                SDC Northeast
 **    F6TG; MD Filesystems/Internet     (802) 769-4072
 **    ADSM & AFS/DFS Backup             (tie) 446-4072

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