Folks, I have seen some posts concerning this in the past, but I don't have a good feeling about my options. I have a volumeshistory file that is around 5 megs, and entries that go back to 1997. What I want to know is, how do I know for sure that I can delete a particular entry? Kelly mentioned that he does a "delete volhist type=all todate=today-30" but that seems a little extreme to me. I believe that I have volumes that have data on them for much longer than 30 days. I am pretty sure they haven't had data on them for 4 years, but I'll bet it is closer to 6 months.
What do you guys do to verify that the volumehistory entry can be deleted? I suppose I can write a script, but wanted some input first. Thanks in advance. -Matt /** ** Matt Bacchi [EMAIL PROTECTED] ** IBM Global Services SDC Northeast ** F6TG; MD Filesystems/Internet (802) 769-4072 ** ADSM & AFS/DFS Backup (tie) 446-4072 **/